25/09-2017 |
25/09-2017 |
19. møde i Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjensteforskning |
22/05-2017 |
24/05-2017 |
25th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
18/05-2017 |
19/05-2017 |
2nd Nordic Tumor Microenvironment in Lymphoma (TML)
20/06-2017 |
23/06-2017 |
2nd Radiocarbon Diet Conference 2017
31/08-2017 |
03/09-2017 |
34th annual Meeting of Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (NSCMID) |
26/04-2017 |
28/04-2017 |
58th Annual Meeting of SCNP
19/06-2017 |
20/06-2017 |
5th conference of the Europeean Transcultural Nursing Association (ETNA)
15/09-2017 |
15/09-2017 |
Aarhus Universitets Årsfest
15/03-2017 |
15/03-2017 |
Ansvarlig udskænkning |
26/10-2017 |
28/10-2017 |
Conference on Markets with Search Frictions
05/10-2017 |
06/10-2017 |
Dansk Byplan
16/03-2017 |
18/03-2017 |
Dansk Patologiselskabs Årsmøde 2017
27/06-2017 |
06/08-2017 |
European Masters Athletics Championships Stadia (EMACS)
20/04-2017 |
20/04-2017 |
First Scandinavian PIPAC Meeting
13/11-2017 |
14/11-2017 |
FS K&T’s Landskursus
26/06-2017 |
28/06-2017 |
Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Management of Nitrogen
18/05-2017 |
19/05-2017 |
25/04-2017 |
26/04-2017 |
12/10-2017 |
12/10-2017 |
Konference om Det brugerinddragende hospital
08/06-2017 |
08/06-2017 |
Kulturens Laboratorium
01/05-2017 |
02/05-2017 |
Landskonference for sundhedsplejesker (FS10)
24/10-2017 |
24/10-2017 |
Mental sundhed blandt unge - hvordan kan den styrkes?
27/01-2017 |
28/01-2017 |
Nordic Data Journalism Conference (NODA)
30/08-2017 |
01/09-2017 |
Nordic Flow Cytometry Meeting (NFCM)
08/08-2017 |
11/08-2017 |
Nordic Political Science Congress (NOPSA)
23/08-2017 |
25/08-2017 |
Nordic Stroke |
10/10-2017 |
12/10-2017 |
23/11-2017 |
23/11-2017 |
ØGC Seminar 2017
24/09-2017 |
25/09-2017 |
Opening Ceremony of the House of the Danish Industry Foundation - A Building for the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC)
18/09-2017 |
20/09-2017 |
08/11-2017 |
11/11-2017 |
RE-VALUE – rethinking the value of arts and culture
02/11-2017 |
03/11-2017 |
Skoleledernes Årsmøde
02/04-2017 |
07/04-2017 |
Sport Accord Convention (SAC)
02/02-2017 |
04/02-2017 |
Sports Medicine Congress
12/09-2017 |
14/09-2017 |
Sport Summit Aarhus 2017
28/04-2017 |
30/04-2017 |
Spring Forward 2017
14/05-2017 |
18/05-2017 |
The 11th International Conference on Homocysteine and One-Carbon Metabolism (ICHOCM) |
10/10-2017 |
11/10-2017 |
The Aarhus Talks - Paediatric Urology for Paediatricians and Urologists |
06/09-2017 |
08/09-2017 |
The XVIIth Practical Course in Laparoscopic & Robotic Urology & Paediatric Urology |
29/11-2017 |
29/11-2017 |
Ulighed i nære Sundhedsydelser