17/06-2025 |
19/06-2025 |
16. Danske Kongres i Klinisk Biokemi (DSKB)
21/05-2025 |
21/05-2025 |
2nd Nordic-Baltic CSP Summit (NBCSP) |
19/05-2025 |
22/05-2025 |
Aieji World Congress 2025
12/09-2025 |
12/09-2025 |
Aarhus Universitets Årsfest |
13/03-2025 |
15/03-2025 |
Dansk Patologiselskabs Årsmøde
17/03-2025 |
20/03-2025 |
Das Daga 2025
24/01-2025 |
24/01-2025 |
Danish Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Symposium (DSMKB)
10/09-2025 |
12/09-2025 |
Dansk Selskab for Trombose og Hæmostase |
07/07-2025 |
11/07-2025 |
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming 2025 (ICALP)
18/06-2025 |
20/06-2025 |
International Cancer Screening Network Conference 2025
05/05-2025 |
06/05-2025 |
Landskonferencen for Sundhedsplejersker
28/08-2025 |
30/08-2025 |
Nordic Association for Disability and Oral Health – the Danish section |
22/05-2025 |
24/05-2025 |
Nordic-Baltic Cardiology Congress 2025 (NBCC)
20/08-2025 |
22/08-2025 |
Nordic Flow Cytometry Meeting 2025 (NFCM)
18/03-2025 |
20/03-2025 |
23/01-2025 |
25/01-2025 |
Scandivanian Sport Medicine Congress
06/03-2025 |
06/03-2025 |
Sundhedsstyrelsen Endagskonference |